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Peter Grünberg Institute 2

Peter Grünberg Institute for Nanoelectronics Theory (PGI-2) is part of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). FZJ's team of over 7,000 employees is at the forefront of interdisciplinary research in information, energy, and the bioeconomy. Our scientists are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

One of our key focus areas is high-performance computing, encompassing both classical and quantum computing. We take pride in our state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure, which is unprecedented in Europe. This cutting-edge computing capability enables us to tackle complex challenges and make significant strides in various scientific domains.

Main tasks in the project

PGI-2 plays an essential role in advancing OSQ+ by providing novel modelling techniques to simulate the performance of quantum processors. We draw inspiration from many-body physics, quantum statistical physics, and numerical methods to inspect the behaviour of electrons within a diverse array of cutting-edge qubit chips. Our efforts result in the emergence of novel qubits and innovative paradigms for constructing efficient and error-free quantum computers.


Staff members involved

Dr Mohammad Ansari
Dr Mohammad Ansari